Ganibu dam, Riga
24 500 m²
Visvaldis Sarma, Inga Zūdiņa, Evija Dansone, Elvijs Sprudzāns

Ganibu dam

Along with the development of the means of industrial production in the late 18th century, the cultural space of European countries also changed rapidly – the buildings and territories of production facilities began to occupy an increasingly important place in central parts of cities, which under conditions of extensive production, were mainly located in rural areas or on the outskirts of cities. The rapid development of industry dictated the creation of industrial facilities in areas close to city centers, which previously served the purposes of recreation or urban gardening.
The previously unprecedented location in close proximity to city centers also required a different building aesthetic, resulting in the emergence of historicist era building types recognizable throughout Europe, which we recognize as part of the Industrial Heritage and of cultural and historical value.
The offer reflects the theme of 19th century warehouse typology within the framework of restrained architectural aesthetics.